Blog - What's on Your Mind?

In case you want to dive deeper into this week's topic . . . . . .

Not that the four presidents needed a fifth head at Mt Rushmore, but it got me thinking. Just what do you think was going through their minds when they went through their various challenges? 

We will never know, but we can explore our own thoughts and feelings, which unlike this monument, do not have to be cast in stone. 

We can change our mind, our attitude, our thinking. And that's okay.

On the Monday following each "One Word Wednesday" video, I will post a blog article below related to that one word. Many of these are articles or essays I have written in the past that go beyond what is in the video or the corresponding chapter from the current book.

So, if you want to take a deeper dive, join me! And maybe we can add your head to this iconic South Dakota mountain!